About Us

The cornerstone of my success is the quality relationship which I and my office staff maintain with clients. Clients are treated with integrity and respect. I focus on intelligent legal representation and pledge to listen to and communicate with clients in fulfilling their legal needs, goals and objectives.

My office provides services in a professional and friendly atmosphere using the latest technology and cost-effective methods. I have been a sole practitioner for over 30 years in McLean County and the surrounding counties. Staffed by well-trained, experienced, and knowledgeable professionals, my office maintains the highest level of client support.

Our office has earned a respected reputation for providing quality legal services both from the local bar association and the general community. I have been recognized by my peers as a leading lawyer in Creditor's Rights and Commercial Collection law. See www.leadinglawyers.com & www.martindale.com .

I have authored the Action for Debt chapter in the Illinois Causes of Action publication of the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education.

I am a member of both the Illinois State Bar Association and the McLean County Bar Association and have the pleasure and honor of serving as a past president of the McLean County Bar Association.


To contact us:

Law Office of Eitan Weltman
802 N. Clinton Blvd, Suite A
Bloomington, IL 61701-3229

P: 309-829-4422
E-mail: officemgr@weltmanlawoffice.com